Cisco C3KX-PWR-1100WAC Catalyst 3K-X 1100W Ac Power


Condition: New
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While we do think it would be pretty cool to employ a team of genetically enhanced super-warehouse-guys to speed the fulfillment of C3KX-PWR-1100WAC= by Cisco, we do not endorse eugenic discrimination of any kind. We are an equal opportunity employment provider - Valids and In-Valids alike.

It is true that we occasionally have difficulty importing shipments of our New products due to Imperial blockades. Fortunately, we know a guy with a ship capable of making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. Good guy - bit of an ego problem.

We did have one customer report that the use of this item resulted in the creation of a rune-covered circular portal capable of connecting our world to others. Unfortunately, the "portal" turned out to be nothing more than an oversized inner-tube in the guy's backyard swimming pool. Please feel free to reach out to us with any concerns *you* may have.

We've just had some troubling news from the Night's Watch. We'll be atop The Wall if you need any further assistance with the Cisco C3KX-PWR-1100WAC= (or anything else!).

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