3COM 3102 Business Phone


Condition: New
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We've just returned from our latest temporal adventure and are happy to report that we now have the 3C10402B by 3Com courtesy of the Daleks. Nice chaps - A bit obsessed with extermination, though. We're sure they won't notice it has gone missing.

Recently our support team has been getting calls from this Austrian fellow. Each time he asks us if this item is new - we tell him it is. He then immediately asks to speak with Mr. Connor - we tell him John doesn't work here anymore. He then hangs up stating that he'll be back. Weirdo.

We're sure you have some burning questions - I know we do. Like what is *really* beyond The Wall? Ask quickly! Winter is coming.

We'll be back and forth through our Stargate here as you look around. Just make sure to grab us on this side of the universe if you need help with the 3Com 3C10402B, or if you have a question on anything else!

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