Cisco CTS-EX90 Replacement Power Supply


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The Cisco CTS-EX90 Replacement Power Supply: PSU-EX90 (FSP150-AHAN) is here to replace your power. Not your personal power or anything. No, you get to hang on to that. What power it’s here to replace is the kind you use to keep your Cisco CTS-EX90 video conferencing system up and running. It’s has 12V, 12.5amp AC to DC power supply, with Amphenol-type 4-pin male connector that fits in the EX90 unit. This puppy accepts 110-240V AC input and uses a standard PC-type AC power cord (which is not included, by the way). So if you own this teleconferencing system, this replacement power supply is going to work out very nicely for you and your colleagues. All you have to do is order one and you’re set for however many other rounds of video conferences you want to go through.

But whatever you do, realize that the Cisco CTS-EX90 Replacement Power Supply: PSU-EX90 (FSP150-AHAN) will not be able to power your cyborg protection suit made out of adamantium. It doesn’t have the connectors nor enough charge to keep your state of the art body suit up and running so you can fly around and stop evil doers from doing that evil that they love to do. However, like we said, it will power your  Cisco CTS-EX90 video conferencing system. That’s something at least. Now, if you really want a backup power source for that adamantium armor of yours, we know a guy who knows a girl that knows of a website where you can find a good one. But you’re going to need BitCoin to buy it...   

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