Unified IP Phone 6945 Slimline - VoIP-Telefon - Anrufbeantworter


Condition: New
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The CP-6945-WL-K9= by Cisco was hard to come by - but we have it! We just narrowly escaped an attempt by the Mangalores to commandeer our ship and steal our cargo. With a little help from Corban, of course - not your typical cab driver, that's for sure!

So we had this crazy dream last night that everything we believed to be real was instead a figment of our imagination promulgated by an advanced race of artificially intelligent robots who were harvesting us for our brain power. Then we woke up on the floor of our warehouse where - thankfully - everything was still very real, shiny, and New. Guess we should have taken the blue pill last night.

Although we don't possess the clairvoyance of the Kwisatz Haderach (the spacing guild cut off our melange supplies eons ago - probably for the best), we're still eager to assist with any questions you may have. If we don't know the answer, we'll check with our resident Mentat.

We'll be here preparing for our next intergalactic product sourcing expedition if you need us - gotta keep the shelves stocked with lots of Cisco CP-6945-WL-K9=. Feel free to browse!

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